As one of the largest wooden coasters in the world, the amazing wooden architecture takes the rider on a wild ride on over 3,600 feet of track. But before you go anywhere you’ll first have to climb up to 112 feet. Brace yourself to fly down one of the steepest lifts on any wooden coaster, slicing through a narrow-tracked series of hills and slopes, shooting down the track at 55 miles per hour.
I remember riding it years ago. The click-clack-click-clack as we started the climb up the first hill. The hard jolting turns when you’d come up and out of your seat and was grateful to have the lap bar and no neck injury's. Yes it’s the end of an era. New Roller coasters can go twice as fast, (Kingda Ka – Six Flags Great Adventure, New Jersey) travels up to 128 mph. New coasters also use hydraulics or compressed air to propel the rider into a super ride. That click-clack-click-clack will very soon, be just another memory.