I have never been to Katz, where I wasn’t blown away by the flavor of their pastrami sandwich. The quality is phenomenal, but alas, things on the last trip didn’t work out as I had hoped. I did not get to enjoy one of those great pastrami sandwiches on that last trip. Cliff Clavin was doing his job. Since I do not see myself going to New York any time soon, it looks like I have no choice other than fix what’s ailing me and make some pastrami for myself.
I have in the past used a recipe from Meathead Goldwyn from the web site Amazing Ribs.com that produces pastrami that is very similar to Katz’s. This recipe is for making a corned beef and then turning that into pastrami. It’s a bit of work just for a couple sandwiches, but that longing for one has been with me now for a week. I also just happen to have a corned beef still left in the freezer. It may not be the real deal, but having made this in the past it will do very nicely for now. Also the trip to NYC, well I can say that everyone had a lot of fun. For the pastrami recipe click here