Right now,I have a good feeling. Maybe it’s because I have a hunch that one of my squares I picked in the Super Bowl Pool will come out as a winner. Time will tell later. I also feel good because today because I have passed another mile marker on my journey down this road called life. (It’s my Birthday) I am past the far turn called the half-century mark and still driving down the road of life. I have my health; I enjoy a walk through the forest, I'm still riding my motorcycle and can climb across the rocks on the beach. Although the steps involved are now a bit smaller.
As I sit here this morning and think about my life, I look back and remembering the good times. The kids as they were growing up and those camping trips, adventures, vacations and holidays. It all seems like yesterday. I have lived, loved, learned and in a lot of ways, exceeded what I thought I was capable of doing. I don't know when the pinnacle of my life will be, but I have enjoyed this ride and look forward to every new adventure that is around the next corner.
I have to thank my wife Helene for teaching me to laugh and love, for being the glue that has kept it all together and allowed our ship to continuing moving forward. There were plenty of days with rough seas as well as paradise, but there was always a journey that we were on and the ship never sunk. She has also been the major influence on our kid’s life and always made sure that they were nurtured and supported. They now work hard, are self sufficient with kids of their own and we are very proud of them.
So for today, I will continue to focus on the many rewarding yet simple pleasures that are ready to be found. Because as a great man once said,
"In the end, it's not the years in your life that count, It’s the life in your years"
Abraham Lincoln