Tonight …The Shooting Stars are coming! The Annual Perseids meteor shower is starting to peak. You should see the meteors start streaking through the night sky after midnight tonight. They will continue right through into the early morning hours tomorrow, the following three night's (August 12-13 and 14) could be even better (depending on weather).
With the waning crescent moon rising shortly before sunrise, it will allow some great viewing, in the dark night sky. The Perseids produce the most meteors in the late night hours and continues until sunrise. At its peak, during the next couple of mornings, you could easily see over 50 shooting stars per hour.
Remember, your eyes can take as long as twenty minutes to adapt to the darkness of night. Enjoy the comfort of a reclining lawn chair and look upward and away from the artificial lights. Don’t rush the process, but have your wish ready to go.
Welcome to the New Normal, Tolerance, Respect, Communication or else….......