Welcome to Virtual Tours:
A Virtual Tour of Museums and Exhibits in a World that never closes. Visit these Online Tours anytime, stay as long as you like. Just click on the following sites to get you there. You’ll spend many enjoyable hours here.
The Art Renewal Center
"The Art Renewal Center is devoted to creating the largest on-line Museum on the internet, with hundreds of thousands of oversized high quality images of all the known works of the greatest painters and sculptors in human history, cross referenced to the largest encyclopedic online art reference library of historical texts, essays, biographies and articles."
This site combines several sites first created in 1996 to provide a starting point for students and enthusiasts of English Literature. Nothing replaces a quality library, but hopefully this site will help fill the needs of those who have not access to one. Many works from Medieval, Renaissance, Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries can be found here. This is a unique source of endless wonder, a treasure, for those who love the English language.
Virtual Tours of Museums, Exhibits and Points of Special Interest
These Sites present over 300 Museums, Exhibits, Points of Special Interest and Real-Time journeys which offer online multimedia guided tours on the Web. Most of the following offer text and pictures, others in addition transmit sound and an occasional movie. The Virtual Tours of Museums and Exhibits never close.