Caravan Update
In an interview with Fox News last Friday, the mayor of Tijuana said the people responsible for putting together the migrant caravans “are the real criminals.”
Mayor Manuel Gastélum did not hold back when he described that those who people who put this march together should be held accountable. He said the leaders of the caravan should face criminal charges.“Those are the real criminals because they're dealing with the lives of people,” he says.
On Saturday, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador aka AMLO who is the new president of Mexico officially took office and in one of this first acts, dealt a stunning blow to open borders advocates.
AMLO signed a deal with three other Latin American countries to work to choke off the flow of migrants to the U.S. in a move that will also benefit his own country by keeping the migrant caravans out of Mexico. “Mexico’s new president signs deal to stop migrants”:
I guess the people of Mexico don’t like the illegal alien caravan invaders either. Especially since right now, they aren’t just bypassing Mexico and hopping right into the U.S. A poll from Mexican newspaper El Universal shows that 73.1% of Mexican citizens have a negative view of the illegal alien caravan invasion. 46% of those surveyed think crime will increase in Mexico because of these invaders and 27.1% would think the caravan invaders would “take jobs away from Mexicans”.
The problem with those in favor of ‘illegal’ immigration