Pastor Jasper Williams launched a scathing criticism of black-on-black violence on Friday at Aretha Franklin’s funeral, where he delivered the eulogy.
Just Do It!!! Nike Stock Plummets
Since announcing their new advertising campaign will be led by Colin Kaepernick, Nike's decision has cost the company over $4 Billion so far.This is what happens when you choose a controversial athlete/activist, as the face of your company.
I don’t know who advised them if this was a good idea but I’m wondering if they previously worked for Target and then Dicks! The big picture is that the stock market hates uncertainty and the rocket surgeons at Nike just put their financial health in total chaos from a market “certainty” standpoint. Today the analysts are just showing their reaction to a company that knowingly was going to alienate a good size of their customer base. You have to wonder how could Nike execs make such a stupid mistake and whether or not the entire company is being run by a bunch of idiots from the top to the bottom. More
Twitter Explodes After Pope Declares 'Emergency' Not Related To Pedophile Scandal
Pope Francis was slammed on Saturday after declaring that litter in the world's oceans was an "emergency" that needed to be dealt with immediately, ignoring the Catholic Church's massive child sex scandal.
Francis, who made the remarks on the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, decried the "seas and oceans" being "littered by endless fields of floating plastic."
Equality is a Lie
The City Of Boston is facing a lawsuit over discriminating against a group that was denied permission to fly a flag meant to recognize the civic and social contributions of Christians to the community. A West Roxbury man has filed suit against the City of Boston, saying the city has violated his constitutional rights by denying his group the opportunity to fly a Christian flag with a cross on it in conjunction with an event on City Hall Plaza.