Last weekend, the Frau and I took a road trip over to Shelburne Falls. The village is another one of those great picturesque places that we love to visit. Situated along the Mohawk Trail in the eastern foothills of the Berkshire Mountains, it’s easy to fall in love with Shelburne Falls and the natural beauty surrounding this historic village.
Shelburne Falls, is the perfect place to spend a day exploring. The town is home to the Bridge of Flowers, Glacial Potholes, Shelburne Falls Trolley Museum and many small shops, galleries and a host of great eateries that never get old when it’s time to enjoy.
I have been on a few road trips to Shelburne Falls in the past, but on this trip, we were lucky enough to be there at just the right time. The Bridge of Flowers was just fantastic; the number of flowers in bloom mesmerized us on every step we took. I have been there a few different times in the past. On each of those occasions, It always seemed those visits were either too early or too late in the season to experience the full magic of the experience.
Shelburne Falls also has one of the largest group of glacial potholes in the world. The potholes were ground out of the granite by whirlpool action from the water and rotating stones during the glacial age. It also has the largest recorded single pothole which is measured at 39 feet in diameter.
The only drawback to the day was there was not enough time to spend fishing over at Bardwells Ferry on the Deerfield River. I felt a little rushed by the Frau. She had things planned on the schedule, and fishing did not even make the list.
There were a bunch of people who had parked their cars at the parking lot of the Ferry and then floated down the river on tubes, rafts and Kayaks. I'm sure they had no scheduling issues in their day.
Lucky for them.