The Justice Department Files Sweeping Antitrust Lawsuit Against Google
The “Don’t Be Evil” corporate motto that Google used in its infancy from a free-wheeling startup to a publicly traded company finally has disappeared. AP News
Hitlers Brownshirt's would love Google. They copied their free speech playbook.
Watch: Google Whistleblower Tells Veritas Search Engine Is "Skewing Results" To Benefit Democrats
Why Would Anyone Care About Trumps Taxes?
It’s an FBI scandal. The swamp dwellers had this stuff for months and no one heard a thing from them. Listen to an Australian news outlet to better understand what is going on in the USA. Because here its nothing but suppression about this story on the majority of the liberal controlled media outlets in America. Video
Bombs Away part 2
Hunter Biden’s Flipped Business Partner Provided 26,000 Emails: