June 6th, 2019, is the 75th anniversary of D-Day, the massive assault on occupied France by Allied Forces in World War II. It was the greatest seaborne invasion in military history.
Today we remember those boys who parachuted behind enemy lines into Normandy, who rode on landing craft into the machine gun and artillery fire at beaches code-named Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, and Sword, or the ones who were shot dead just trying to get to the beach in the surf.
A Re-education on Sacrifice and Service
75 years after D-Day, we need a refresher course in the concepts of service and sacrifice.
Surprise……..He’s Always Been A Hoser
Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA), one of the primary authors of the Green New Deal, took thousands of dollars from oil and gas lobbyists after publicly pledging to spurn “their dirty money.”
NY Politicians, Always Giving More….To The Wrong People
Sex Offenders Got Erectile Dysfunction Drugs, Courtesy Of New York Taxpayers.
Before bashing Trump, European leaders need a history lesson.