The Real Question Should Be: Safe Communities For Whom?
Thanks to the sanctuary city policies in effect now throughout the country, undocumented individuals who are currently facing charges such as murder, sex crimes and drug trafficking are free to wander the streets.
In 2019 Over 90% of Illegal Aliens Arrested in U.S. Had Criminal Convictions, Pending Charges
More than 90% of illegal immigrants arrested by federal agents in the United States last year had criminal convictions or pending criminal charges, including 56,000 assaults and thousands of sex crimes, robberies, homicides and kidnappings. Many had “extensive criminal histories with multiple convictions,” according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) year-end report. The 123,128 illegal aliens arrested by the agency’s Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) in 2019 had 489,063 criminal convictions and pending charges, representing an average of four crimes per alien, highlighting the “recidivist nature” of the arrested aliens, the agency writes, noting that sanctuary cities nationwide greatly impeded its public safety efforts.
Unjust Deserts
Cities move to ban dollar stores, blaming them for residents’ poor diets.
Who knew that earthquakes come from climate change?
Jupiter is flinging asteroids at Earth ‘like a sniper’, top scientist warns
Yes, your boss can fire you for a Facebook post