As President Joe Biden approaches the one-year anniversary of his inauguration, I look back and say, it was not as bad as I thought it could be, — it was far worse.
The list of Biden's failures after one year is long, and it grows constantly. But here are just a few of the Best Boondoggle's that will certainly live with him forever.
A major cause of the current inflation is high energy prices—the product of Biden's energy policies. But always remember that he did call on OPEC and Russia to supply more oil and gas after shutting down the Keystone pipeline in order to reduce prices.
Killing Keystone XL: How Biden Destroyed American Energy Independence (
Another Way Biden Pushes Gasoline Prices Up - WSJ
The president's primary duty is to ensure that the laws of the country be faithfully executed.
Biden Halts Deportations For Some Immigrants, Stops Remain In Mexico Rule : President Biden Takes Office : NPR
Then we saw the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Biden’s Betrayal of Afghans Will Live in Infamy - The Atlantic
Who could Forget "The Lies Were Exposed"
Politico confirms Hunter Biden laptop emails after media declared story 'Russian disinformation' amid election | Fox News
Joe Biden’s One-Year Metamorphosis on ‘Shutting Down the Virus’ Explained in One Perfect Graphic – RedState
Whiplash on U.S. Vaccine Mandate Leaves Employers ‘Totally Confused’ - The New York Times (
Inflation Is Eating Up Your Paycheck: Real Incomes Fall for Fourth Straight Month | SchiffGold
Biden year one brings second-largest US budget deficit on record - TheBlaze
One Year in, Biden’s Foreign Policy Record is a Catastrophe - AMAC -
Joe Biden doesn't want to meet the press - CNNPolitics
After One Year of Biden's Presidency, Hispanic Voters Now Evenly Divided Between Parties (
Biden disapproval rating high, voters blame him on economy: CNBC poll