Of all the places to argue that only the government should be trusted with guns, Beto O'Rourke picked…Kent State University.
Kent State is, of course, the location of the infamous 1970 shooting that left four students dead and nine others injured. The shots were fired not by private citizens but by members of the Ohio National Guard, who shot at a crowd protesting America's involvement in the Vietnam War.
No Problem, Just Have A Bigger Steak Today, Good Diggin
The evidence is too weak to justify telling individuals to eat less beef and pork, according to new research. The findings “erode public trust,” critics said.
Strong Trans Players in Women’s Rugby are Driving the Referees Away
Rugby referees are quitting the women’s amateur game because they fear rules allowing transgender women to play will lead to serious injuries.
Just Like NAFTA Was
Elizabeth Warren: Amnesty for All Illegal Aliens Is ‘Good’ for American Workers
They Should Have Checked Around Europe First, In Italy: Salvini Out, Migrants In
College Republicans in Connecticut
Raise Alarm on Campus Harassment Over Political Views
Can You Believe It : The Ukraine Scandal Is About Biden
Trump turns tables on Biden amid impeachment push, claims Dems threatened Ukraine