For the second consecutive year, the estimated number of violent crimes in the nation decreased when compared with the previous year’s statistics, according to FBI figures released last week. In 2018, violent crime was down 3.3 percent from the 2017 number. Although the FBI did not make the comparison themselves, when reading the data we can see the number of murders carried out with knives or cutting devices was five times higher than the number of murders carried out with any rifles including assault rifles. This comparison is particularly important given the current gun climate in America.
The Program Is Working
Officials say Florida trappers have captured a record-setting python as part of a growing effort that encourages hunters to remove the invasive snakes from the Everglades. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission says the 18-foot, 4-inch-long female python weighed 98 pounds and 10 ounces.
Time For A Long Vacation
A Florida woman was arrested early Friday morning after her parents found a “significant” amount of pipe bomb in her bedroom, the sheriff announced Friday morning.
I Wonder What That Bacon Flavor is Called
Rio’s drug traffickers are raising pigs in the city’s favelas to dispose of their rivals