Everyone should have themselves regularly overwhelmed by Nature
―George Harrison
The first new asthma pill in two decades has just completed its third phase of clinical trials, and not only did patients report instant relief - the pill actually started to repair the lining of their airways. Could it be the end of the inhaler?
Researchers just linked chronic fatigue to changes in gut bacteria
Researchers have identified biological markers in both gut bacteria and blood that can be used to diagnose chronic fatigue syndrome - also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis, or ME/CFS - in more than 80 percent of patients tested.
U.S. affirms its prohibition on medical marijuana
The government refused again Thursday to allow the use of marijuana for medical purposes, reaffirming its conclusion that the drug’s therapeutic value has not been proved scientifically and defying a growing clamor to legalize it for the treatment of a variety of conditions.
And I was Settling for Trout
There was a big Salmon Caught this Week when Eric Clapton went fishing