Fully open Texas and Florida reporting fewer COVID cases than Democrat-led Michigan, Pennsylvania and New York | Fox News
Biden warns if Americans don't get COVID vaccine they might have to cancel July 4 (nypost.com)
The story behind the Oscar-nominated documentary China doesn't want you to see - ABC News (go.com)
Herpes infection possibly linked to COVID-19 vaccine (nypost.com)
Murder rates go UP dramatically in cities after BLM protests, researcher finds | Daily Mail Online
"Agricultural Disaster" - Frost Blast Decimates French Vineyards, May Slash Total Wine Output By Third | ZeroHedge
CDC chief: A third of "breakthrough" infections are asymptomatic and "many" infected don't transmit the virus to others – HotAir
Black Georgia Faith Leaders Urge Boycott of Home Depot Over Voting Law - (nytimes.com)