Looking back at Biden's first year in office, did anything go quite as planned? Biden: Year One (reason.com)
Biden year one takeaways: Grand ambitions, humbling defeats | AP News
Could the ship of fools be in trouble?
Reporter Francesca Chambers: Even Democrats Have Lost Trust In Joe Biden’s Presidency - YouTube
And just like that, it was gone!
England Ends All COVID Passports, Mask Mandates, Work Restrictions | ZeroHedge
Harvard Students Who Get COVID Will No Longer Be Put in Isolation Housing (reason.com)
Starbucks Reverses Itself, Drops Vaccine Mandate for All of Its Employees (trendingpolitics.com)
CDC: Vaccinated Americans with a prior infection fared the best during Delta - POLITICO
The Battle Lines Have Been Drawn
DeSantis will NOT bend the knee to Trump and says backing ex-president for 2024 'is too much to ask' | Daily Mail Online
Wealth of 10 richest men doubled in pandemic as 99% of incomes dropped: Oxfam - ABC News
She took on Trump, Juul and the Sacklers. Now she wants to run Massachusetts. - POLITICO
What Your Fellow Americans Think Should Happen to the Unvaccinated (theorganicprepper.com)
America has a list of over 700,000 reports of adverse events
FDA drug safety expert Dr. David Gortler: Vaccine manufacturers, FDA not adequately warnings about myocarditis risks (ninetymilesfromtyranny.blogspot.com)