Elizabeth Warren wants to defund Trump’s border wall and use the money to fight coronavirus. But if I remember what she has repeated time and time again, controlling who enters the country constitutes “hate and division.” Why settle for a mere coronavirus when you can also have some Typhoid Fever, Tuberculosis, Measles, and the Bubonic Plague. I have a hunch that after today, it will be said that it was “Lizzie’s Last Stand” because the Democrats would not even vote for a Native American!. More
After 18 Years, Is This Afghan Peace, or Just a Way Out?
Afghanistan has gone from being the “good war” that the United States must win to the longstanding burden that, like the British, the Soviets and a series of others, it now seeks to unload.
The Party Is Once Again Eating Their Own
Chris Matthews, longtime MSNBC host of ‘Hardball,’ announces his retirement. And just like that, he was gone.
Church attendees silently turn their backs on Mike Bloomberg inside Selma, Ala., church on Sunday.
Bernie Sanders: illegal immigrants are "entitled" to the same government benefits as citizens
Senior Advisor To Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Dies Of Coronavirus
Dow roars back from coronavirus sell-off with biggest gain since 2009, surges 5.1%
2 Cases in Rhode Island of Coronavirus Linked to School Trip in Europe
Norfolk woman back from Italy school trip is Massachusetts’ 2nd suspected coronavirus case
Federal judge orders Hillary Clinton deposition to address private emails: 'Still more to learn'