It had everything: vast resources, scenic beauty, excellent farmland, 840 miles of coastline, perfect weather, a can-do pioneer spirit. Then the crazies came to power. Now California has achieved the nation’s lowest ranking for quality of life:
The Truth Will Set You Free
German officials have been left speechless by Chancellor Angela Merkel’s comment that there are “no-go areas” in the country. The notion there are places in Germany outsiders — including police — can’t visit has previously been dismissed by officials.
Gun-control issue boils over in Virginia House after fiery speech from delegate
A fiery speech about gun rights brought the Virginia House of Delegates to a halt on Friday, with many Democrats walking out of the chamber and then calling for a recess to try to calm their anger.
Del. Nick Freitas (R-Culpeper) set off the reaction with remarks that began by defending Republican resistance to gun-control measures in the wake of the Florida school shooting, but wound up blaming “the abortion industry” for fostering a broken society and castigating the Democratic Party for segregation and the Japanese internment camps of World War II.