A transportation recession often precedes a recession for the entire economy, and while the debate about when the U.S. economy as a whole will plunge into a recession is quite vigorous right now, the truth is that the debate is over regarding when a transportation recession will begin.
But What About Kumbaya?
LA residents fed up with officials, demand change after homeless crisis spirals in city
Paradise Lost: Homeless in Los Angeles
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters believe it is fair to say that neither party in Congress is the party of the American people. Voters still don’t see eye-to-eye with most members of Congress and continue to believe that Americans aren’t truly represented by either of the major political parties.
The Swedish Summer has been Shaken
Following the summer's attention-grabbing assault rape, the sale of self-defense spray increases dramatically. The Kjell & Company retail chain believes that it will sell 90 percent more in August than in June.