JOE BIDEN: “I Don’t Respect These MAGA Republicans” - YouTube
Biden said [in his inaugural address] we should not view each other as adversaries in this country but as does 'semi-fascism' as a label for the Republican Party fit with that?" Twitter
"KJP Doubles Down During White House Press Briefing, "What MAGA Republicans have done.../ Twitter
‘Civil War Is Here’: MSNBC Host Says There’s ‘No Dealing’ With Conservatives | The Daily Caller
"Semi-fascism": Rhetoric signals newly aggressive Biden strategy - The Washington Post
Teachers unions want parents to forget what happened during COVID. Don’t let them. (
In the Name of Equity, Schools Are Reintroducing Racism | Opinion (
Tuition costs are out of control. Canceling student debt won't fix that | CNN Business
Warren ‘very worried’ the Fed will cause a recession - POLITICO
The New Age of Orwellianism (
Ice for Sore Muscles? Think Again - The NYT.