Biden goes on anti-gun tirade, suggests there's 'no rational basis' for 9mm pistols (
Cracks Appear in Western Front Against Russia's War in Ukraine (
A Maine Couple Is Suing the State for the Right To Hunt on Sundays (
Biden Admits Sky Rocketing Energy Prices Are Part Of Green “Transition” – Summit News
Former Vermont governor, a prominent Middlebury alum, skips 50th reunion over college’s cancel culture | The College Fix
Moderna Throwing Away 30 Million Doses of COVID Vaccine Because 'Nobody Wants Them' –
PJ Media
Biden Wants Taxpayers to Write a $10,000 Check to Every College Grad Making $300,000 | FrontpageMag
Rhode Island Becomes the 19th State To Legalize Recreational Marijuana (
Impatient Florida truck driver loses back wheels by driving over concrete pillars (
Marijuana violations have taken over 10,000 truck drivers off the road this year, adding more supply chain disruptions (
There Have Been 13 Mass School Shootings Since 1966, Not 27 This Year (