Immigrants who accept almost any form of welfare or public benefit, even popular tax deductions, could be denied legal U.S. residency under a proposal awaiting approval by the Trump administration, which is seeking to reduce the number of foreigners living in the United States.
More Lies of the FBI
You might recall the case of the San Bernardino terrorist, where the FBI was going to court to try and make apple design and install an iPhone update on everyone's phones so the FBI could crack them at will. The FBI was telling teh court that there was no was on Earth, truly, to get into an iPhone otherwise.
Except there was, and the FBI's case to force Apple in install FBI-sanctioned spyware fell apart. Now, it seems, that there was a group of goons in the FBI who knew all that and deliberately lied to bot the FBI's leadership and to the courts.
200 universities just launched 600 free online courses. Here’s the full list.