The day is finally upon us. After months of nonstop rhetoric, the anticipation and excitement of November the Sixth is here. It’s Election Day.
America has now become a very complex society, full of contradictions, judgment, scorn and Hate! The American ideals ----- The American realities.
Today, a verdict will be delivered. The judgment revealed for all to see. What political direction will the country move in, what type of nation is America about to embrace?
There was a time when both sides of the aisle believed America’s border laws
should be enforced.
2nd Kavanaugh Accuser Admits She Lied; Referred For Criminal Prosecution;
A Kentucky woman who accused Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of rape has been referred to the Department of Justice after she admitted that she lied.
Voter fraud exists – Even though many in the media claim it doesn’t
100 years later, the madness of daylight saving time endures