They Will Never Get It
New Hampshire’s Democratic Party Chairman Ray Buckley referred to rural, disaffected voters as “white supremacists” and “extremists” on Sunday.
2nd Utah police officer put on administrative duty over nurse arrest
Another cop was placed on administrative leave with pay in the handcuffing of a Utah hospital nurse who refused to take blood from an unconscious patient. Salt Lake City’s mayor and police chief apologized Friday to Utah Hospital nurse, Alex Wubbels, who is seen in body cam video screaming “help me” after Detective Jeff Payne handcuffed and dragged her out of the hospital over her refusal to take the blood sample from the patient, a car-crash victim, on July 26. MORE
And Because of Their Behavior
It’s Worse Than Being Banned From Chuck E Cheese
The University of Utah Hospital, where a nurse was manhandled and arrested by police as she protected the legal rights of a patient, has imposed new restrictions on law enforcement, including barring officers from patient-care areas and from direct contact with nurses. MORE
Should Be A Best Selling Novel
I stopped yelling at my husband and now we have more sex
There Has Got To Be A Reward For This Somewhere
German taxman breaks record for carrying the most beer in one go