CDC Director: Nobody Said COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Might Wane (
I Thought those were bad dictatorships,First Iran, Now Venezuela….Its all about the oil.
Asked About Iran Demand To Lift IRGC Sanctions, Remove From Terrorism List, Psaki Says “We're Close” - YouTube
Biden administration team in Venezuela as U.S. seeks to break country from Russian influence - CBS News
Surprise Again
The federal government paid hundreds of media companies to advertise the COVID-19 vaccines while those same outlets provided positive coverage of the vaccines - TheBlaze
Kremlin insiders call Ukraine war a 'clusterf---k': report (
U.S. Military Intelligence Estimates Russian Troop Deaths Reach 4,000 (
Russian ship told to 'f--k yourself' destroyed in battle: report (
The WaPo Sure Didn't Get That Right
Conservatives predict gas prices will spike under Biden. Experts say those fears are overblown. - The Washington Post
Saudi crown prince says "do not care" if Biden misunderstands him - (
20K foreign volunteers signed up to fight in Ukraine: officials (
Ukraine Says 400,000 Volunteers Aid Hacking Against Russia - Bloomberg