Oil Plunges Into Red For Year Despite Supply Shock From Keystone Pipeline Shutdown
| ZeroHedge
House Passes $858 Billion Defense Funding Bill With Termination of Military Vaccine Mandate (theepochtimes.com)
Philadelphia gas station owner hires heavily armed guards to protect business: 'We are tired of this nonsense' (fox5ny.com)
Nantucket approves topless beach amendment to by-law: 'to promote equality for all persons'
| Fox News
FDA pulls last antibody treatment for COVID-19 with rise of resistant variants - masslive.com
Mass.town teams with wildlife officials to shoot, kill nuisance coyotes (wcvb.com)
Smith & Wesson sales off by 47% as demand for firearms drops - masslive.com
The Army's next "Black Hawk" is a tiltrotor aircraft | Popular Science (popsci.com)
Walmart CEO says shoplifting could lead to price jumps, store closures (cnbc.com)
CT to clear marijuana convictions for thousands of residents (wfsb.com)