Boston……...The Gift That You Asked For! Ayanna Pressley Encourages People To Create Unrest In The Streets
There Is No Such Thing As Voter Fraud:
Paterson NJ Election Ballots Left On Floor Like Garbage In Post Offices…Via North Jersey:
Paterson, NJ To Hold “Do Over” Election Because Of Massive Mail-In Fraud The First Time…
The 2020 San Francisco exodus is real, and historic, report shows.
A new report confirms what many have been talking about for weeks: There is an exodus out of San Francisco, and the numbers are staggering.
Hollywood's Apocalypse NOW: Rich and famous are fleeing in droves as liberal politics and coronavirus turn City of Dreams into cesspit plagued by junkies and violent criminals
Portland Police Declare Riot as Protesters Pushed From Building
But The Federal Authorities left and isn't that all they wanted?
Death Valley soars to 130 degrees, potentially Earth’s highest temperature since at least 1931