50 Years Ago, Boomers also used words like Rag Weed.
Older Californians See 1,808 Percent Increase In Cannabis-Related Trips To ER | IFLScience
Sounds like a data grab.
Email Reveals AR-15 Pistol Brace Company Hit With Data Breach Ahead Of ATF Ruling | ZeroHedge
The Long War in Ukraine: The West Needs to Plan for a Protracted Conflict With Russia (foreignaffairs.com)
Bed Bath and Beyond stores closing list 2023: Liquidation sales underway (axios.com)
America Has a ‘Pandemic of Fatherlessness,' Kris Vallotton Says (dailysignal.com)
John Deere agreed to give farmers the right to fix their own tractors (qz.com)
How Many Times Can You Fold a Piece of Paper in Half? | RealClearScience
Improve memory as you age by eating more flavonols, study says | CNN
Solar Storm To Graze Earth With Effects Visible Today | IFLScience