Victim of Violent Home Invasion Speaks; Credits Wife With Saving His Life With AR-15
A Florida woman who’s eight-months pregnant used an AR-15 rifle to defend her 11-year-old daughter and injured husband during a violent home invasion last week. At the time, her husband, Jeremy King, was being pistol-whipped and kicked in the head by two masked burglars. More
The Gun Grabbers Are Misleading Us
Let's look at some FBI statistics on homicide and then you can decide how many homicides would be prevented by a ban on rifles. The FBI lists murder victims by weapon from 2014 to 2018 in their 2018 report on Crime in the United States. It turns out that slightly over 2% (297) out of a total of 14,123 homicides were committed with rifles. A total of 1,515 or 11% of homicides were committed by knives. Four hundred and forty-three people were murdered with a hammer, club or some other bludgeoning instrument. Six hundred seventy-two people were murdered by a hand, foot or fist. Handguns accounted for the most murders — 6,603. More
Guns Also Save Lives
As these examples show, the first line of defense against crime is by those who are prepared when a crime occurs. Police officers are not always there when you need them. They respond to calls of those who are already in peril, or to a crime scene after the offense has occurred. So once again we have a few more examples of The Good Guys with Guns not wanting to become the victim of crime during the month of September.