At a time when violent crime is spiraling out of control with a seemingly non-stop stream of high-profile crimes. Our Politicians continue to foster this criminal atmosphere with the non-stop rhetoric of targeting the guns rather than the criminals that are holding them.
If the policies of a pitiful governance were changed, and they were truly determined to fight crime, then they would lock all those undesirables up behind bars for a long time rather than releasing them back to the streets. We now live in times that an alarming crime wave is taking America by storm and there's this liberal soft on crime attitude of prosecutors and judges. The Tough on Crime days that led us to the era of mass incarceration are over in the country.
But the one thing it has done is emboldened those criminals, to commit even more crimes and has destroyed the 'rule of law' in our country. "Until the attitudes and outcry says enough, this is going to continue." We see firsthand on a daily basis that the Police will not be there when you need them. They respond to calls of those who are already in peril, or to a crime scene after the offense has occurred.
So once again, we have a few stories from last month on how the criminals are raising havoc in a civilized society, and of those people who are armed and chose to defend themselves and help others. Because no one wants to become just another victim.
WWE Hall of Famer ,“Hacksaw” Jim Duggan body slammed a home invader then grabbed his gun and held the guy at gunpoint until the authorities arrived. (
Marinette Police: Deadly Dec. 1 shooting was justified (
Man gets shot while trying to break in to a Lexington apartment, police say (
Armed bystander in Florida stops attack on pregnant woman | Fox News
Suspect killed man in Phoenix neighborhood in self defense, police say (
Chicago driver shoots 2 of 3 carjacking suspects - CBS Chicago (
Homeowner killed one intruder, two more got lucky and were only arrested (
Police investigating deadly armed robbery attempt in Warner Robins Ga. - 41NBC News
Grayson Co. homeowner fatally shoots intruder: Sheriff (
Man tries to rob Warner Robins restaurant, dies after shootout | WGXA
Man shot dead in Florida McDonald's parking lot after allegedly attacking bystander sitting in a truck eating. (
PD: Suspect in deadly shooting went to Chandler Amazon facility due to jealousy over girlfriend (
2 assailants shot by CCL-holding man in Chicago (
Burglar dies after being shot by homeowner in Vancouver (
Nevada woman shot and killed suspected carjacker with his own gun | Fox News
Georgia restaurant employee shoots and kills armed intruder after being pistol-whipped (
Oregon man stalking ex-girlfriend shot dead by her family (
Ludlow homeowner shot alleged thief in self-defense, prosecutor says (
Armed Amazon employee stops shooter who opened fire at Arizona facility: 'good Samaritan' (
Michigan man shot by motorist during botched carjacking: police | Fox News
Deputies: Man armed with alleged machete shot several times in Warrington (
Nevada homeowner defends home after shooting invader twice in the chest, Nye County Sheriff says (
Naked man shot after breaking into Tennessee home, ransacking living room: police (
California man trying to steal goat shot by elderly homeowner, arrested (
Investigators claim teen died in attempted Little Rock carjacking, two other teens facing murder charge | KARK
Report: Waffle House employee in Conway area fights off intruders with his own gun (
Reading Pa. police: Man fatally shot during attempted home invasion (
Detroit tow truck driver with concealed carry license fends off robber, shoots and kills man | Fox News
Fort Wayne Man leaves suspected home intruder with gunshot wound | WANE 15
Buffalo Resident Fires Gun to Defend Store from Looter during Winter Storm (