understand is why this could even happen in the first place. President Obama wanted to give the American people equal access to good health care and it was something most Americans wanted.
Yet the opposition [Republicans] shut down the government because they don’t like the law? A law that was passed by the very body they represent. The issue is settled, is it not? The Republican (Tea Party) has to be the biggest bunch of fools in modern times. They started this by forcing a government shutdown. There are a number of things that both our President and the Tea party have done that I approve and disapprove of. That makes me a free thinker and not following anybody's line. But I do understand the Affordable Health Care act has become the law of the land and has survived all challenges including a decision by the Supreme Court. Obamacare is here to stay.
But the Democrats are also torching this Public Relations advantage by constantly reiterating that they won’t negotiate. The Republicans have consistently asked to sit back down and negotiate with the other side because there are not many options available, but the Democrats refusal to do so is a very destructive path. The Democrats believed that by painting the Tea Party as anarchists and Republicans as hostage takers they could win the fight. The Democrats are looking more like the obstructionist party, while the Republicans appear to take on the role of fighting for the people.
Back in the day, people we elected to serve in Congress went to Washington to take care of the business that served the needs of the people they were supposed to be representing. Making sure schools had enough money to buy books and pay teachers. Making sure the elderly and sick were taken care of. And to make sure there were laws to protect us from those who might want to
jeopardize our safety and country. But nowadays, it seems most of the people we send to serve in Congress think the object of public service is to lockstep behind the party line – and then blame the other guys when nothing gets done.
Opposition is necessary in a democracy, but look at what these fools have done. Washington has become dysfunctional because of the inability of two parties to sit down and talk. The leadership style is killing the very institution of government itself. Who do these guys think they are and what gives them the right to hold all Americans hostage. Republicans and the Democrats need to stop trying to score points against each other and start working for the people they’re supposed to represent. These politicians have egos that are far stronger than their common sense and little memory of those who elected them to office. Ohhh for the days of Tip and the Gipper and a system that worked.