This was after she threw her dog into traffic when she was about to be arrested for the shoplifting three Yuengling beers. When she was arrested and placed in the back of the Patrol car, the woman started to kick the back seat window and bang on the plexiglass partition with her hands.
The officer repeatedly told her to stop, but she refused to do so. Police said the officer warned the suspect that she would be pepper-sprayed if she did not stop kicking the window, but when she continued, he sprayed her through the lowered rear window. As retaliation, the woman urinated and defecated in the back of the patrol car. More
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
A parking lot brawl between two women in South Los Angeles quickly escalated into a demolition derby.
There’s Gold in Them Hills
Mother who turned breast milk into SOAP says demand for the 'creamy and gentle' bar is now so great she's set up her own business