Such compassion for his fellow man during the season of giving! Because the Best of the Best is now out....The Best Fails of 2014 I don't think the his honors future is looking very good “Auf Wiedersehen” You Dumb Ass
I wonder where he gets a good night sleep now? Honey, Its the Holidays, can I see you? Can Mushrooms really treat depression? A team at Washington State University is working to develop a breath test that could quickly determine whether a driver is under the influence of marijuana. As some of you know, this time of year is my favorite time to truly reflect on the past and the future. Things seem to slow down enough that there's finally time to ponder and think and plan and dream. The questions and thoughts change as I get older. When I was younger, it was more about what I wanted to accomplish (although I still have a VERY ambitious list for that). Now, it's a little bit more of what do I want to leave behind? ................... From Maria Rodale On this damp and rainy Christmas Eve, there is no news, deep thoughts or rambling. But I wish you all the best and a Merry Christmas! Rule 5 Monday Motivation Did you know your creativity is at its best when drinking Beer and you hit the 7.1 percent mark? The "Problem Solver" beer has a higher alcohol level than most (7.1 percent), but comes with a chart on the back of the bottle to let you know exactly how much to drink, depending on your weight and gender, to hit the magical 0.075 percent mark and "be at your creative best." More
With the brutal assassinations of the two NYC cops yesterday, and the assaults on cops around the country last week. Judging from this march in NYC, the road to a just society is now filled with Lawless, Intolerant Raciest who seem to contribute nothing towards a better world. Panic has begun to grip bourbon enthusiasts across the country. They are beginning to amass stockpiles of their favorite drink it, hoping to guard against shortages and price hikes. More Your Brain function is 'boosted for days after reading a novel. More Study proves high heels do have power over men. Wow, I never would have thought. One never knows what each day is going to bring. The important thing is to be open and ready for it.
Henry Moore Guys just like to do dumb things, but when it comes to needless and untimely deaths, men win hands down.
A 20 year study of the Darwin Awards, an annual review of the most foolish way people have died, found almost 90 per cent were 'won' by males. more "Phantom" Peter Lik has officially made art history by selling the most expensive photograph ever – setting a world record. An official press release was issued today, outlining details on the $6.5 million sale of masterwork, “Phantom.” more
Music definitely plays a huge role in my life. As someone who spends many hours on the road, I can honestly say that tunes have often gotten me through the endless miles up and down the highway. There are those songs that have a way of making the ride go by just a little easier when they come on. |
February 2025