Until you’re ready to look foolish, you’ll never have the possibility of being great.
M.C. Escher
Are we really in the middle of a global sex recession? Around the world, younger people seem to be having less sex than was the case 20 years ago. What’s going on? Staring at Boobs is just one of six easy ways men can live longer Humans Are Genetically Predisposed to Kill Each Other He claims he's America's deadliest serial killer. Police believe him. Fish, omega-3 may lower heart attack risk, studies find Scientists Find Compelling Evidence Depression in Men Could Be Treated With Testosterone Bob Woodward Is Right: The Press Is 'Emotionally Unhinged' About Trump German Think Tank: Trump Winning in Trade War with China Warning! Warning! In the hopes that new Hunters will have the knowledge, ability and skill to take care of themselves while hunting in the field, these videos are posted. If you have a weak stomach, squeamish to deer being cut up for harvest, or no interest in ever seeing the realities of what happens in the woods when hunting for whitetail deer, just pass on watching todays videos. It’s The Season for Deer Hunting You did it! Your first tagged deer is at your feet. If it’s an adult white-tailed deer that you’ve just harvested and there is going to be 40- to 70-plus pounds of lean meat, depending on its size and age that you will enjoy this winter. There’s only one problem: Your meat isn’t packaged in cellophane and Styrofoam like meat at grocery stores. It’s inside a hide, fully intact and attached to bone. OK, No problem. First, you must field dress your deer. You should field dress the deer as soon as possible to ensure rapid loss of body heat, prevent surface bacteria from growing, and maintain overall quality of the meat. The only tools you need are a sharp knife, strong stomach and latex gloves. Don’t forget to remove your watch and jewelry. To reduce your risk of exposure to disease, wear disposable plastic gloves while handling animals. Wash hands and arms thoroughly with soap and water before and after dressing. Using clean water, pre-moistened wipes, or alcohol wipes, clean your knife frequently between cuts to prevent bacterial contamination. Field Dressing a Doe The Video Field Dressing a Buck The Video And For the More Experienced Hunter The Best How-to Butcher a Deer Video Learning how to butcher a deer can save you time and money, as well as the hassle of transporting a carcass. The Bearded Butcher shows in detail how to carve out the tenderloins, back strap, stew meat, rib meat, ground meat, sirloin tips, and roasts. What I like about this video is the step-by-step process of how to break down the front shoulders, hind quarters, and other muscle groups. He meticulously shows how to remove the silver skin from the back straps as well. Similarly, he identifies how to cut against the grain when slicing so the venison is more tender and desirable to eat.The Video InSight Lander is on Mars! After seven months of traveling through space, the NASA InSight mission has landed on Mars. A few minutes later, InSight sent the official "beep" to NASA to signal that it was alive and well, including a photo of the Martian surface where it landed. Mexico To Beef Up Border Security After Migrants "Violently" Attempt To Enter US Mexico looked set to shore up security near its border with the United States on Monday, as police lined up outside a shelter in the city of Tijuana and told Central American migrants they couldn't walk toward the border area. Mexico's National Migration Institute said that 98 migrants were being deported after they tried to breach the U.S. border, and U.S. agents fired tear gas into Mexico to stop them. Mexico's Interior Department said about 500 migrants were involved in the attempt to rush the border, while U.S. authorities put the number at 1,000. More Media Propaganda Push to Create Victim Narrative around Migrants… With the reality of hundreds of Central American migrants attempting to overwhelm the U.S. southern border by force; and after weeks of denying the migration horde were a threat to U.S. immigration and national sovereignty; the media narrative engineers need to quickly respond with manufactured victim optics. With a migration force consisting of 95% military-aged males, the media photo journalists, aka. ‘optical narrative engineers’, desperately seek out pictures of the few women and children to accompany their print propaganda MSNBC: Majority of Caravan Members Are Men, Some Not Talking About Asylum Here Are the Cars GM Killed With Its Global Restructuring Plan General Motors dropped a bombshell on Monday, announcing production changes of a magnitude not seen since Ford said it was killing all of its cars except the Mustang in favor of trucks and SUVs. The restructuring involves five plant shutdowns, major layoffs, and a host of model discontinuations. It's all part of GM’s plan to invest in future technologies and come out with 20 new all-electric vehicles by 2023. Those EVs need manufacturing space, which means some cars need to be put out to pasture to make room. More From Cheapism, 100 Hottest Cyber Monday Deals Cyber Monday is here, and we've compiled the best sales and deep discounts to satisfy everyone on your list while staying within your budget. Most of these deals are available starting at midnight, and many extend into the week ahead, so dust off your list, fire up the keyboard, and get ready to save! Border Patrol Fires Tear Gas at Migrants The United States closed its busiest border crossing with Mexico on Sunday after Mexican police broke up a protest of Central American migrants massed in Tijuana. Demonstrators rushed toward the border where U.S. officers fired tear gas from the American side into Mexico aiming at members of the migrant caravan approaching the U.S.-Mexico border near San Diego. About 500 people were demonstrating on the Mexican side of the border for the U.S. to speed asylum processing requests when some members of the group tried to climb over a border wall, and others tried to enter the U.S. through holes in a border fence. The FDA Requested a $25 Million Study on Cell Phone Radiation But Ignored the Results that Link the Radiation to Cancer. More Federal government announces new physical fitness guidelines; Fewer than one in three Americans meet standards, and only one in five teenagers, meet new physical fitness guidelines issued by the federal government Ex-CIA officer: Stopping mass killers in the US isn’t simple, But here are steps we can take to combat them | Fox News There’s an old adage that says the first rule of a gunfight is to bring a gun. Apparently, no one told this robber that bringing a knife instead might not be the brightest of ideas. Miss Bum-Bum contestants get into fight over fake butt accusations Lord Loves A Thinkin Man! Man breaks into crocodile enclosure, gets bitten Because It’s Quitin Time Cellphone video captured a United States Postal Service truck going off-road in southwest Miami-Dade, speeding past traffic on the highway. The video, which was posted on the Facebook page "Only in Dade," Your Tailgating Recipe This week were highlighting chili as your tailgating / house party recipes. There are so many things that are just awesome about chili, it is incredibly hearty and, even though it’s a soup, it can stand alone as a meal. If it’s good chili, it’s got a serious kick and tons of flavors. It’s perfect for late fall and winter because it’ll heat you up with both its temperature and spices and it’s easy to make ahead of time and always tastes better the next day. This chili recipe from Guy Fieri has it all—plus plenty of kick to get your tailgate going. More Isn’t That Special! CNN: A divided Congress, a divided America. There sounding like Trump in Mexico Shouting 'Mexico First,' Hundreds In Tijuana March Against Migrant Caravan. More Changes Illegal immigration is a top problem facing Americans, according to November’s Gallup survey that was released on Tuesday. Gallup’s poll found that 21% of Americans believe that “immigration/illegal aliens” is the top problem facing the country, up from 13% from October. “Dissatisfaction with government/Poor leadership” came in second at 18%, followed by health care at 11%. The poll, conducted November 1-11, found that the “immigration/illegal aliens” issue is particularly important to Republicans, “37% of whom name it as the most important problem — an increase of 17 points from the prior month.” The poll How Immigration Changes Britain 60% Of Italians Think EU Is Bad For Italy Happy Holidays A Wisconsin company decides to buy firearms for every employee this holiday season. His Five Minutes Are Over Life is really starting to suck for the glorified porn lawyer, aspiring 2020 Democrat presidential candidate and top CNN guest Michael Avenatti. After last week’s arrest in LA on domestic violence charges.. He has also been accused of underpaying his income taxes, cheating his business partners, stiffing his landlord, and grossly exaggerating his achievements. Now he may now be too toxic even for the Democrats. At least the ones in Vermont. German automaker Volkswagen will convert three factories in Germany to manufacture electric cars, ramping up production of zero-local emission cars ahead of tougher European emissions standards, the company said Wednesday. Adults who cut carbohydrates from their diets and replaced them with fat sharply increased their metabolisms. Today, Massachusetts is ready for its first day of recreational marijuana sales After months of waiting, recreational pot sales is now a reality in Massachusetts. The long wait for recreational marijuana sales is ready to begin in Massachusetts with the first commercial pot shops set to open on today. There are only two stores opening initially, in Leicester and Northampton but they can boast of being the first stores to open anywhere east of the Mississippi river in the United States. Both stores already operate as medical marijuana dispensaries but are the first to be cleared by state regulators to sell recreational pot to adults 21 and older. Former Peter Pan Bus Lines Terminal and Headquarters, Gone……... More Having worked out of this facility and with the company for over 20 years, it brought me back to those fond memories, good people, friends and experiences that I had while I was there. To those of you in the public transportation industry that are working hard to get everyone safely home for the Holiday this week, Thanks. The American Dream Continues To Be “Redefined Could you imagine living in an RV on a permanent basis? On the one hand, such a lifestyle can offer a sense of freedom that is absolutely exhilarating. Instead of being tied down to just one place, you can freely travel the country and live anywhere that you want. Such a lifestyle makes it easy to escape the cold in the winter and the heat in the summer, and if you don’t like your neighbors you can literally leave the next day. But of course there are a lot of negatives too. More I'm back home from the trip Upta Camp in the NEK, and ready to head out to work today. We had a lot of snow last week in the North Country. There was over two feet total of the white stuff during three separate storms, it made it real difficult to travel out into the big woods to get to my regular deer spot overlooking the swamp. An added plus to those good days were the night time temperatures that were in the single digits most evenings. The old wood stove just kept burning nonstop to keep the place warm. We needed a lot more wood this year to fuel that old wood stove and a lot more time was involved in splitting it. It was even tough for some reason to get motivated and get in the outside shower on one of those really bitter cold nights. No big bucks were seen this year in the woods but there were a lot of tracks in the snow, because of the weather, there was a lot less time spent in the woods this year. As Always, it was a trip that was very much enjoyed, dinners that were well planned and not what you would expect from a deer camp, Chicken cordon-blue, meatloaf, Lasagna, Stews and Brews is a sampling of some of the goodies. A deep snow that we have not seen in decades will be talked about for years and the stories will last forever. Get Ready Consumers have a lot to be thankful for this holiday season: With low unemployment rates, higher wages, more disposable income. More travelers should be heading off this holiday season with a road trip for the Thanksgiving getaway. Thanksgiving is always the busiest holiday for road trips, and this year will be no different. Drivers should expect major increased travel times on Tuesday as the trend in getting that early start has become a well established travel pattern. Sunday's return will be tough as the majority of the holiday travelers will be making their way home after the long weekend. In general, the best days to travel will be on Thanksgiving Day, Friday and Saturday. What happened to Tom Brady? Tom Brady isn’t playing as well this year. I know it, you know it, and even he knows it. “I absolutely want to play better,” he said last Monday on Westwood One Radio. In a year when quarterbacks and offenses are establishing record numbers, Brady’s are going the wrong way. He is 16th in passer rating (94.7), behind Mitchell Trubisky and Ryan Fitzpatrick. Brady’s interception rate is its highest since 2011. The 34-10 loss to the Titans was the worst November, December, or January loss of his career. More It’s Time My bags are packed and later today it’s time to start the road trip. I’m heading “Upta Camp”. It’s that time of the year, when I make the annual road trip to the big woods of the Northeast Kingdom for deer season. I should arrive at camp to a warm fire, and the boys will be telling all those familiar hunting stories of the old days. The one that got away, the massive rack of antlers, or that all time favorite, I know where he’s at. “where that big buck is probably hiding this year” There have been many decades of stories and laughter from those who have hunted from this special place in the deep woods. The camp has been part of many adventures through the years, and has always given back a fond new memory to go home with at the end of every trip. Good food, good friends and fond memories. That’s what camp is really about. A Big Buck is like getting a little extra pie at the end of dinner. So with all that said, the postings here are now suspended. The reason, no cell signal. To get a signal, I have to head out of camp at night and walk up near the high spots on the mountain, and it’s really kind of scary out there in the dark! Two Very Different Americas The midterm elections have ended in a mixed result. The vote certainly was not a decisive repudiation of Trump, nor was it anything like the resounding endorsement he craved." The New Yorker's David Remnick reflects on the 2018 midterms. Legends Live Forever Democrat State Legislature Candidate Defeated By Dead Brothel Owner In Nevada Legislature Vote. If I Can Quote……..You Can’t Handle The Truth The incoming head of an organization representing police officers across Massachusetts has been placed on paid administrative leave in Arlington after he called for officers to meet "violence with violence" and forget about restraint in a series of columns that targeted elected leaders, criminal justice reform and former NFL player Colin Kaepernick. "I am sick and tired of the social justice warriors telling us how to do our jobs," Arlington police Lt. Rick Pedrini wrote in one column for the Massachusetts Police Association (MPA) newsletter The Sentinel. "It’s time we forget about 'restraint', 'measured responses', 'procedural justice', 'de-escalation', 'stigma-reduction', and other feel-good BS that is getting our officers killed. Let’s stop lipsynching, please! Let’s meet violence with violence and get the job done." More Are You Sure International officials with the United Nations (UN) Refugee Agency say President Trump must allow a caravan of Central Americans into the United States to seek asylum. More After 17 years of war, top US commander in Afghanistan admits Taliban cannot be defeated False Rape Allegations Against Brett Kavanaugh Prove That Due Process Matters Trump won because college-educated Americans are out of touch 62 Percent of all Jobs in the United States Do Not Pay Enough to Support a Middle Class life. That means that “the American Dream” is truly out of reach for most of the country at this point. Today, Americans are working harder than ever but the cost of living continues to rise much faster than our paychecks are increasing. More More Evidence Identifies China as The Source of Mysterious Ozone-Destroying Emissions Why Are Drugs Cheaper in Europe? – The WSJ Ex-con claims feds ‘wanted to get rid of’ James ‘Whitey’ Bulger |
February 2025