Before folks sat around the TV watching American Horror Story or classic movies like The Shining and Friday the 13th, they gathered around the radio to listen to their favorite weekly programs. Many of them were comedies or dramas, just like today’s television programs, but there were also shows dedicated to the creepy crawly — that made goosebumps rise and sent shivers down the spine. It’s often said that what you can’t see is scarier than what you can, and radio programs can sweep you up and create a whole spooky world in your imagination.
How to read a whiskey bottle label
Do Smarter People Drink More? What 5 Studies Say Deceived Beck's beer drinkers can guzzle $50 refund Sorry, New Yorker, Thoreau is more relevant than ever
Kathryn Schulz recently suggested that Henry David Thoreau and his most famous book, “Walden,” are not worth their place as classics of American philosophy and writing. In her article in The New Yorker (“Pond Scum: Henry David Thoreau’s Moral Myopia”), she made some well-worn, if sometimes misleading, points — namely that Thoreau was conceited, contradictory, hypocritical, and perhaps worst of all in Schulz’s eyes, he did not like people or society. She pokes holes in the modern “myths” of Thoreau and “Walden,” which don’t match historical reality. Her article makes for a fun read, but it is decidedly one-sided. Thirty amazing vintage photos from the early days of American car races. They knew and they let it happen...........The Boston Church Male brain is programmed to seek out sex over food Brain cells specific to men fire up when mates are present and override the need to eat, scientists have found Tonight we will see a full moon and the name for the October moon is called a Hunter's Moon. It got it's name from Native American tribes and signaled the time to go hunting and prepare for the long winter. This will also signal the start of the annual rut for the whitetail deer. If you’re driving in the country or in wooded areas, heads up for the next few weeks because the Whitetail Bucks start acting crazy. They just don't pay attention to the oncoming traffic when they are looking for a doe in heat and running across the roads.
A Bad Day for Bacon, Hot Dogs, Salami and Me: Processed Meats Cause Cancer: The World Health Organization reports a dietary link to cancer. The agency placed processed meats such as bacon, salami, and hot dogs in its “Group 1″ list for cancer-causing items, a category that also includes tobacco smoke, asbestos, and diesel fumes. The agency classifies those Group 1 carcinogens as having “sufficient evidence” of links to cancer. Study reveals cheese is as addictive as drugs....The hard truth What REALLY happens to your body after eating a slice of pizza.
It’s official, Social media making millennials less social: The American middle class is worse off compared to others around the world A new report by Credit Suisse Research Institute analyzed global wealth in 2015 and reported unequal distribution among populations. The very wealthy continue to reside in North America and Europe, but China’s increasing middle class outpaces other global regions. When you got to go………………………..?
Witnesses told officers the man was using the women's restroom, and when he was confronted he pulled out a 2-foot-long machete, swung it around and threatened to kill a half dozen people. It’s still a tough world out there...... A 14-year old girl could be charged with assault and battery after she threw a ---- ------ at one of her former teachers. A Woman at a gas pump was passed out so long that a spider spun a web from her car to the pump faces drug charges ... Employees at the Cumberland Farms store called police at about 3:44am because it appeared a woman was sleeping in her running car at one of the gas pumps Hapless man gets arm stuck in toilet brimming with POO while trying to retrieve new smartphone 100 Extensive University Libraries that are Accessible to everyone Universities house an enormous amount of information and their libraries are often the center of it all. You don’t have to be affiliated with any university to take advantage of some of what they have to offer. From digital archives, to religious studies, to national libraries, these university libraries from around the world have plenty of information for you. Digital Libraries Capturing images of manuscripts, art, and artifacts. More Tomorrow, millions of volunteers across the nation will unite with a common mission – to improve the lives of others. In its 24th year, Make A Difference Day is a USA TODAY initiative, backed by the Gannett Company and TEGNA Inc. In collaboration with Points of Light it is the largest national day of community service.
Relaxation response could cut health care need by 43% Do Smarter People Drink More? What 5 Studies Say I'm feeling hosed again
President Obama repeatedly promised that his “signature achievement” health law, the Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. Obamacare, would reduce insurance premiums by $2,500 for the typical family. Instead, premiums have increased by a comparable amount. Let’s take a trip down memory lane and watch a professional salesman on the 2008 campaign trail. Stop with the pissing down my back! Motivation For this Weekend.. ...7 Reasons to Go Have A Beer Because they only want to see the pain and suffering…… that the Margarita brings. A New York restaurant is offering patrons the chance to win 10 percent ownership of the eatery if they can finish a 30-pound burrito and a ghost pepper margarita. The Granny State has upped the ante once again... Connecticut School District Bans Halloween, Will Rebrand Day As “Fall Themed”… Another Reason why living in Montana is one hell of an adventure
And then there's the......................City Patron Arrested For McDonald's Condiment Attack Or Subway customer gets a rodent in his sandwich: 'It was unfortunate' And In More Subway News: Woman accused of taking clothes off, then trashing a Subway is now in custody The next couple of nights will have some shooting stars flying through the night sky. They are bits of debris from Halley's Comet, source of the annual Orionid meteor shower. Forecasters expect the shower to intensify and peak Wednesday morning with as many as 20 meteors per hour. The best time to look for them will be during the dark hours just before sunrise.
This was no Blue Light special in isle #10:
Pornographic audio on loudspeakers shocks Target customers Things are getting real bad out there: Playboy Will No Longer Publish Nude Photos Dude, Be Very Afraid: Woman's 'haunted' dolls attack boyfriend in his sleep - because they hate men He said that he read the Instruction manual: Man hospitalized trying to remove hemorrhoids with toy sword There was never a chance that he had all cylinders working correctly: Man tries to put out garbage fire by driving over it in a van loaded with ammunition |
February 2025