One of the hardest battle you are ever going to have to fight
is the battle to be true to yourself
Two New England Beaches Ranked among top 25 in United States A pair of pristine and picturesque New England beaches have been ranked among the top 25 in the United States. Oqunquit Beach in Maine has been ranked the 15th best beach in the country, while Race Point Beach in Provincetown, Massachusetts, checked in at 21st on Tripadvisor’s annual “Best of the Best” list. CDC Director Says There are More Suicides and Overdoses than COVID Deaths Center for Disease Control Director Robert Redfield testified in a Buck Institute webinar that suicides and drug overdoses have surpassed the death rate for COVID-19. Redfield argued that lockdowns and lack of public schooling constituted a disproportionally negative impact on young peoples’ mental health. Over 100 Police Agencies Pull Out Of Agreements To Guard DNC Convention More than 100 police agencies are withdrawing from agreements to send personnel to bolster security at next month’s Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, in part because they’re concerned about a recent directive ordering police in the city to stop using tear gas to control crowds. "Peaceful Protest" Democrats and the Fake News are Lying about Everything Chairman Nadler pulled the plug on allowing this video to be shown at the Tuesday hearing with Attorney General William Barr. “They wouldn’t let us complete our video, they wouldn’t let him answer questions…” Rep. Jim Jordan, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, said on “Fox & Friends” Wednesday morning. One-Third Of U.S. Museums May Not Survive The Year, Survey Finds
33% of America's museums are at a "significant risk" of closing permanently by next fall due to economic distress from coronavirus-related shutdowns. Ticket and gift shop sales, school trips and museum events are primary sources of funding, most of which went to zero overnight when they were all shuttered. More The IPPAWARDS award committee announced the 2020 winning images last week for the 13th annual iPhone Photography Awards competition. This Photography competition invites photographers worldwide to submit unaltered iPhone or iPad photos to be judged in one of the 18 different categories. More Teams Canceling Fall Sports Target joins Walmart in ending Thanksgiving store shopping Deadly shark attack in Maine: 63-year-old woman remembered for her ‘enthusiasm and positive spirit’ Instacart user data reportedly for sale on dark web at $2 per account Distilleries Should Always Be Able to Make Hand Sanitizer 'Get Woke, Go Broke' Strikes A&E After 'Canceling' Live PD Show In 2016, A&E created Live PD. The show follows police departments across America and audiences loved it. Live PD was frequently the most-watched cable program on both Friday and Saturday nights. Ratings for A&E Network have plummeted since it canceled the hit police reality show “Live PD” on June 10, a sign of how much the network relies on law-enforcement programming. Average prime-time viewership for A&E between June 11 and July 19 was 498,000 people, down 49% from the same period last year, according to data from Nielsen. In the key demographics of adults 18-49 and 25-54, the declines are 55% and 53%, respectively. More You cannot make this stuff up! A Seattle Radio host who had mocked Trump last month, by claiming the Seattle protest are peaceful just got woke-up. Over the weekend, the rioters wrecked his apartment building, Now he wants to take up arms. More Why Are Potentially Viable COVID-19 Treatments Being Suppressed? CDC Sides With Trump, Says Students Need To Go Back To School The Heat Wave Extreme heat will impact much of Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts Today and Tomorrow with near record high temperatures peaking between the high 90s-100, the National Weather Service has reported. No More Playing Nice? Police declare a riot Saturday during the Seattle protests; more than two dozen arrested The Saturday afternoon protest were declared a riot after fires and vandalism, according to the Seattle Police Department (SPD). SPD declared the demonstration officially a riot via a tweet at 4:25 p.m. local time, citing a fire set to a portable trailer at the King County juvenile detention facility, which is under construction. In addition, police say there have been a number of broken windows at local businesses and a King County court facility. More BLM Member Shot to Death, Apparently When ‘Protesters’ Surround Car The practice of stopping cars may have just finally resulted in a shooting death in Austin, Texas. BLM protesters were marching there when it appeared they surround a car. This video captures the moment where you can hear the shooting although what is happening is unclear. Several shots are audible and then everyone scatters. More Also, In Colorado A Jeep Races Through Mob Of Rioters, Protester Shoots Fellow Protesters While Trying to Shoot The Occupants Inside The Car More American mayhem: More rioting and lawlessness in cities across US Oakland Mayor Victimized By BLM Vandals She Supported Now Turns To Police: As Violent Crime Spikes, It’s Local Democrat Leaders vs. Law Enforcement: Next The Washington Post on Friday agreed to settle a monster $250 million lawsuit filed by Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann over its botched coverage of his 2019 encounter with a Native American elder. Via NY Post: Mainstream Media Tells You ANTIFA Is Peaceful, Watch This Video Cuomo admits NY made ‘a lot of mistakes’ in coronavirus fight: Arms industry: Gun buys up 95%, ammo 139%, sales to blacks jump 58% The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything. Albert Einstein Trump deploys more federal agents under ‘law-and-order’ push
Even More People Now Oppose Defunding Police, Fear More Violence Pfizer Vaccine Deal at $20 a Dose Sets Ceiling for Rivals Hydroxychloroquine Could Save 100,000 Lives If Widely Deployed California surpasses New York state in confirmed virus cases Israel Leaking Evidence of Its Involvement in Covert Iran Bombing Campaign that Threatens to Spark a Wider War Nike, Other Global Brands, Complicit in China Slave Labor It’s Been 75 Years, and America Still Won’t Admit a Nuclear Disaster Remember when we blew radioactive ash over New Mexico? Now the Trump administration is talking about testing bombs again. Small Engine Maker Briggs & Stratton Files For Bankruptcy Protection Under Chapter 11, a company and its creditors work out a reorganization plan that enables the business to continue to operate. More Guess What? We Need More Police in Urban Neighborhoods, Arresting More People St. Louis couple who brandished weapons at protesters charged COVID-19 infections likely 10x higher than official case counts, CDC study suggests Walmart announces $428 million in ‘special bonuses’ for employees; Stores to close for Thanksgiving Revealing the Moral Bankruptcy of BLM Attacking Federal Property, They Should Be Afraid, Very Afraid For 54 nights, demonstrators have protested racial inequality and police brutality. While many protesters have remained peaceful, extreme violence has also erupted. Border chief fires back at Portland mayor, defends 'absolutely necessary' policing tactics. Dozens Of Kids On Bikes Take Over I-91 In Conn! On Saturday, July, 18th, this video was captured by a passer-by on Interstate 91 in New Haven, near Exit 9. Nearly 100 kids took up two lanes of the highway as cars swerved to not strike any of the riders, many of which were pulling wheelies. Drug-related deaths climb in Maine during COVID-19 pandemic Great White Shark spotted Saturday near Cape Cod's Sandy Neck Beach Homeland Security making plans to deploy some 150 agents in Chicago this week, with scope of duty unknown Scientists Say Cholesterol Drug Could Clear COVID-19 From Lungs in Days
A new study demonstrated how a common, FDA-approved drug could halt lung damage caused by the coronavirus. Researchers at Israel's Hebrew University of Jerusalem and New York's Mount Sinai Medical Center said they slashed the severity of COVID-19 by reducing the ability of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, to reproduce in lung tissue. 3 Weeks After Primary, N.Y. Officials Still Can’t Say Who Won Key Races Tens of thousands of absentee ballots in New York are still uncounted and many races have yet to be called. What will November look like? Mayor of Portland to Trump: Get your troops out of the city An 'Unprecedented Flock of Patriots' Is Gathering to Support the Police in 80 Rallies Ilhan Omar vastly outraised by primary rival ahead of August election American Gun Ownership: The Positive Impacts of Law-Abiding Citizens Owning Firearms It’s no secret that mainstream press coverage of gun ownership in the United States tends to be in favor of gun control – especially when those reporting on the topic are not firearm owners themselves. Far too often, those who disagree with supporters of the Second Amendment and firearm-related policies resort to assertions that we simply care more about our guns than about the lives of innocent people, and that the right to keep and bear arms has little beneficial purpose in modern America. This makes it all the more critical that we continue to emphasize the important role lawful gun owners play as an immediate and regular defense against crime. This anti-gun news bias is widespread among the “urban elite” who have very little personal experience with guns and yet write for influential newspapers like The New York Times, Washington Post, etc. Despite this bias, law-abiding private citizens owning guns does have positive impacts on American society that often go unreported – many of which are significant. Police officers are not always there when you need them. They respond to calls of those who are already in peril, or to a crime scene after the offense has occurred. So once again, we have some stories from last month that will show you, the first line of defense against crime is by those who are prepared when a crime occurs. More Riots, Violent Crime, ‘Defund Police’ Gun Sales Exploded To All-Time High The number of FBI background checks conducted last month for people attempting to purchase firearms shattered the previous all-time record, and experts say the surge in gun sales was directly tied to current events rocking the United States. COVID Numbers Proven Fake In Florida
Florida Department of Health says some labs have not reported negative COVID-19 results. The Flu killed more people despite the annual availability of the flu vaccine Texas Coronavirus Numbers Show COVID-19 Less Lethal than Last Two Flu Seasons Ca. Governor Newsom Closes Down Churches, Gyms, Hair Salons, All Indoor Dining, Bars, Theaters in California – NO END DATE TO LOCKDOWN GIVEN NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE REPORT: School Closures Based on Politics, Not Science The Time for School Choice Is Now: Virus: Never Letting a Crisis Go to Waste Mail Voting Threatens Election Security, Study Finds Mandatory voting by mail would undermine election security and endanger Americans’ right to have their votes counted, according to a report released by the Honest Elections Project, a voter integrity group. Owner says her late pet was a 'Democat' Cat gets voter registration application in the mail – after dying 12 years ago Wisconsin’s Vote-By-Mail Looked Bad. It Was Actually Worse This is what Cultural Marxism looks like.
Black Lives Matter started a riot at an otherwise peaceful restaurant in Dallas by attacking customers and staff. Scans Reveal Heart Damage in Over Half of COVID-19 Patients in Study A new study on heart scans involved 1,216 patients, of whom 813 had been diagnosed with COVID-19, and 298 were deemed probable cases. Due to the design of the study, the remaining 105 were assumed to have COVID-19, the co-authors told Newsweek. The participants were from 69 countries across six continents. They each had an echocardiogram, a type of ultrasound scan for the heart, between April 3 and 20. Higher Education Bust Vermont College Goes On Auction Block With $3 Million Bid The great college bull market is over. We noted that earlier this year when we said, "20% of colleges and universities will shut down or merge in the next ten years." The for-profit education boom and bust is old news. Now the virus-induced recession will pulverize nearly every higher education facility in the country. Even before the pandemic, enrollment was declining, and finances at colleges and universities were quickly deteriorating, an indication the bull market is over. Rising virus cases has undoubtedly complicated the picture for reopening colleges and universities this fall semester. The president has demanded schools reopen, while Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, warned virus cases must be controlled before children return to schools. |
February 2025