I have retired from my volunteer gig at the club, as a bartender. It was fun, but life is now going in a different direction. I also have also relinquished my certification to be a good listener and show compassion. Now, I will only sit in the opinionated seats.
One of the best of the Fails video's that I have seen. I don’t think anyone can get through this video without at least saying ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 5 times. Life's tough. It's even tougher when you're stupid." John Wayne Helene and I were talking with some friends about the Winter Olympics this week and how much we all enjoyed them this year. This year was quite a spectacle. After weeks of coverage which included all the classic emotions of triumph and heartbreak, stunning performances and crashes, there was also a bunch of controversy that was mixed in as well.
I was also surprised to hear how much the moms were still talking about the P & G commercial that showcased moms and their kids. They were all blown away by it and I have to believe, are now die hard P & G consumers. The spot is a celebration of mothers helping their children every step of their lives. The mothers, who from the beginning are there to encourage their children to rise to their feet and then continue on to greatness, These ads are not the kind where athletes tell you to buy specific products because they will make you cleaner and happier. They are the kind that opens up your heart with powerful images of motherly love. But I'm sure the ladies are now opening up their purses as well. see the ad I was also reminded that this was the latest tear jerker commercial from P & G. During the 2012 Olympic Games they produced another commercial that honors mothers for everything they do. It also played the theme that a mother’s job is the hardest in the world, but it is also the best in the world. see the ad Much like Anheuser Busch and Doritos have done at the Super Bowl. P & G has now become, the king of marketing for the Winter Olympics. The commercial that the moms are all waiting for. The forecast for a light show with the Northern Lights tonight is High. The aurora may reach an index Kp=5 or more so as to be visible over most of New England tonight. Activity could also occur on the night of 27th/28th. If you have the chance, bring your chair, some hot chocolate, your camera and go for it.
Jessica and Alana, Have fun on your cruise to the Islands. Very cold weather and some snow is due back here this week.
The Police Chief of Detroit Michigan, James Craig made national news last month after he told The Detroit News that he’d changed his mind about the gun issue, He came to the conclusion that armed citizens could dissuade criminals from attacking them. Last week, a mom in Detroit took his advice to heart. see video
From the chief...see article I did, in fact, say that good Americans, good Detroiters, if responsible, could get CPLs (carrying pistol licenses), and that it could — emphasis on the word ‘could’ — be a deterrent to violent crime. I said that because of my experience in four cities, having seen good Americans and good Detroiters that have CCWs (carrying concealed weapons permits), and what effect it has had on deterring violent crime. “In fact, there’s been research … by the Department of Justice and some scholars that armed citizens, good citizens, can have a deterring effect on violent crime,” he said. “While I sit here with lots of optimism and encouragement that crime is declining, we still have incident after incident where individuals like elderly people get dragged out of their cars at gunpoint. “There was a study done comparing the U.S. to Great Britain that suggested that home invasions, while people were in the house, were less likely in the United States than in Great Britain. And the reason why is because the suspects know there’s a greater likelihood that people in America are more likely to have guns inside their homes. So they tend to wait until the home is vacant to commit the home invasion. “In England, suspects, because of the restrictive gun laws, 50 percent of the home invasions are committed while the people are in their homes. “Most telling, there was research done by felons who were incarcerated, and what they said is that they’re more fearful of armed citizens than they are of police officers.” If you have any concerns about Chief Craig’s logic and thinking, look again to the video above. Yesterday, legendary funnyman Harold Ramis passed away from complications of a rare blood disease at the age of 69. If you think of just a few of your favorite comedy films of all times, the chances are that he either wrote or directed them. From the classics comedies like Animal House, National Lampoons Vacation, Meatballs, Groundhog Day, Caddyshack, and Ghostbusters of which he also co-stared in, Harold kept a generation laughing with his brilliant work. A genius who was the most successful comedic writer of all time, will surely be missed.
CNN has decided to end the marquee prime-time talk show Piers Morgan Live that was drawing a fraction of viewers compared with competitors at Fox News and MSNBC. This just three years after he took over for Larry King, who retired after holding the prime time slot for a quarter decade.
The talk-show host had infuriated conservatives during his three-year run on CNN with frequent discourses on gun control. And when you have a habit of calling the guest that disagree with you on your show, “stupid people” the viewing public it seems, just got turned off. He told a reporter at the NY times…”Look, I am a British guy debating American cultural issues, including guns, which has been very polarizing, and there is no doubt that there are many in the audience who are tired of me banging on about it.” His ratings had for many months, been an embarrassment to the once proud network and its executives. A broadcast on February 18th, which included coverage of Ukraine’s dramatic political crisis and an interview with the former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, drew its second smallest audience to date among adults aged 25-54 (50,000). Analysts at Nielsen reported that the show also drew just 270,000 total viewers. I think its time for CNN to talk to a guy named Jay Leno. He at least has appeal and credibility. Morgan is no stranger to controversy, he also lost his job at the Daily Mirror after publishing fake pictures of alleged British troop misconduct in Iraq, Last month he was also questioned by London police in connection with accusations that he had direct knowledge of the phone-hacking scandal, contrary to what he stated at the Leveson inquiry. There has also been testimony by witnesses at the court trial which is currently taking place in England that has contradicted his previous statements. Yesterday, we took a trip to the Lyman & Merrie Wood Museum in Springfield. Mass. This is a really nice museum that house’s several different collections of Springfield’s History. From the Civil War to the 50s, Springfield was a major city in the industrial revolution. It was the home of the Springfield Armory, Duryea automobile company, Indian Motorcycle Company and Granville Brothers aircraft factory just to name a few. The museum has a great display of weaponry, motorcycles, cars and aircraft.
It's collection also includes more than 35 vintage Indian Motorcycles from the former Indian Motorcycle Museum. Esta K Manthos the owner of the former Indian Motorcycle Museum donated her multi-million dollar collection of antique motorcycles and memorabilia to the Springfield Museum Association to assure that it would remain in the city where the historic company was founded more than a century ago. The museum opened to the public in the fall of 2009. The exhibits showcases Springfield's role as a manufacturing center and the role it played in transportation history. There were many inventions and " firsts" that were generated here. The museum is located at 21 Edwards street. Hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 10-5pm and Sunday 11-5pm. Admission is free for residents of Springfield with proof of residency and $15 for adults; $10 for seniors and college students; $8 for children ages 3 to 17 and is good for all four museums located at the Quadrangle. For more...... information A man was charged with bank robbery this week in Laurel Md. after being caught by police following a series of mishaps during the getaway. First he dropped a pile of cash in the bank because he did not bring a bag to store the loot in. He then scoops it up and tosses it in an umbrella he finds on the floor. He later slipped on some ice and cut his head open while attempting to make a getaway. That was after his getaway car had been disabled by the police. It’s obvious that he doesn’t plan or multi-task very well and he had a very bad day at the office. |
February 2025