I don’t make the news; I just report it.
The Bottom 80% Has Gotten Significantly Poorer Since The Pandemic Began, And This Is Creating A "Robin Hood Mentality" (theeconomiccollapseblog.com)
CNN reporter got to eat some Humble Pie after Vivek decimated her, and she can’t even pull out the race card against him.
Now that Covid vaccinations are all but forgotten, U.S Army Begs Unvaxxed Troops to Return - Slay News
When Cities do not prosecute the criminals, these scenes become the normal.
Memphis Has Fallen: Looting & Stealing Chaos - YouTube
With more than a million Palestinians in Gaza now displaced; why are Arab countries not opening their doors?
It's Simple Why No Arab Countries Are Taking Palestinian Refugees. They Know Better. (townhall.com)
75% of "Innocent Palestinians" Approve of Hamas Oct. 7 Bloodbath, 98% Hate the USA | The Gateway Pundit
Kilitch Healthcare India Limited Issues Voluntary Nationwide Recall of Various Eye Drops for Potential Safety Reasons | FDA
Trans runner takes FIRST PLACE in California girls cross country championship | The Post Millennial
Clueless Randi Weingarten Is Mystified by Increase in Homeschooling (reason.com)