Design Regulations Helped Ruin American Cars
Your car looks like a box. So does every other car. It’s boring, even shocking when you consider how awesome cars used to look. What’s gone wrong? And to what extent has the design mess contributed to the decline of American auto manufacturing?
The left isn’t going to like this one.
A recent study on racism in America has revealed some truths that directly contradict one of the progressives’ most beloved narratives. The Democratic Party and its allies in the press have expended no small amount of effort over the past few decades to convince the American public that everyone who isn’t a rabid lefty is a hateful racist.
Busch Beer Wants to Pay For Your Wedding and Supply the Beer
Wedding season is upon us once again and, if you’re one of the lucky couples getting hitched this year, cancel whatever your wedding plans are and head for the mountains instead. Busch beer wants to throw you the most glorious wedding anyone who owns a pontoon boat could ever dream of. Busch beer’s new campaign, #BuschWeddings, is offering to provide $25,000 (the average cost of a wedding in the United States) for one lucky couple’s wedding as well as a full supply of Busch beer and the officiant. All you have to do is explain to Busch why you and your partner are the perfect couple to have their love sponsored by America’s most American beer.So what the hell are you waiting for? Anheuser-Busch is offering to pay for your wedding. All you have to do is head to the Busch website or go to Busch’s Pinterest page and submit to them why you and your partner should receive the ultimate wedding gift from Busch, as well as a picture of yourselves looking like a happy couple.
Equal Rights For Woman
A biological male who identifies as a transgender woman won an NCAA national championship over Memorial Day weekend.