Stephen King weighs in. And HE'S ON THE CLOWNS' SIDE.
From People Magazine, Why You Shouldn't Panic About This Year's 'Clown Panic'
This Halloween season, you can dress like a scary clown, but you may be doing it at your own risk. The deal is lately; it seems that it’s becoming open season on scary clowns. With the hunt for them that occurred at Mid Michigan College last week. Where people with baseball bats and hockey sticks went out on the hunt for creepy clowns or this dumb ass that was beaten up after walking towards the wrong car while trying to scare a group of guy’s dressed like a clown.
Now we see “Clown-Hunting” groups of vigilantes are being set up to tackle the craze sweeping the UK. Either way, a clown costume just doesn’t figure in to my wardrobe this year, the main reason is
“I never could run fast”.