Warren's plan calls for the elimination of employer-sponsored health insurance, which over 50% of Americans now receive. It would be replaced by free government health coverage for all Americans. To pay for the $20.5 trillion, Warren would require employers pay trillions of dollars to the government. For those who currently pay for employee coverage, this would replace much of that spending. Businesses who don't currently cover healthcare costs would be exempt. Warren would also tax financial transactions such as stock trades, as well as boost taxes for investment gains for the top 1% of households. Her signature wealth tax proposal would also take a larger chunk from billionaires. Lastly, Warren wants to cut $800 billion in military spending. New York Times
Warren Took Thousands From Teachers’ Unions Before Charter School Flip-Flop
Americans’ love of drugs may soon bring Mexico’s collapse
NYC secretly exports homeless to Hawaii and other states without telling receiving pols
Hunting will always be controversial to environmental advocates.
The worst part about that video is that the kid is being taught that this is what you do to people you disagree with.