We don’t make the news; we just report it.
Asylum Seekers Have Worn Out Their Welcome After Having Been in Town for Only One Month!
After the second case of alleged sexual assault in a hotel housing asylum seeker in two weeks, Cheektowaga says no more asylum seekers allowed to come to Erie County | News 4 Buffalo
Michigan State Police Officer Confirms that GBI Strategies Is Operating in Numerous States - Michigan AG Nessel Is Forced to Admit the Group Was Caught with 8,000-10,000 Fraudulent Registrations | The Gateway Pundit
Report: Engineers Discover Nationwide Cellular Network Connects Election Equipment and Gives Federal Government Access to Election Systems at Precinct Level | The Gateway Pundit
Age of Rage: UChicago Report Finds 30 Million Americans View Violence as Justified To Keep Trump from Power – JONATHAN TURLEY
Imagine How the Maui Wildfires Would Be Covered if a Republican Were in the White House | Frontpage Mag
The Evidence that Convicts the CIA of the JFK Assassination – The Future of Freedom Foundation
Tell-All Book Reveals Pentagon Knew Kabul Airport Attack Was Coming Days In Advance | ZeroHedge
Teamsters are losing their jobs --and there is one labor leader to blame-- (nypost.com)
Seattle PD declines by another 150 officers, up to 509 since City Council 'defunded police' in 2020 | The Post Millennial
Seattle cop's resignation letter excoriates city – HotAir
Where Are the Police? Cops Leaving Faster Than Can Be Replaced - Liberty Nation