Antifa is now Eating Their Own
It doesn’t matter if you support 99 out of 100 leftist ideas. If you have a different opinion on that 1 thing, you are a Nazi loving, bigoted, race-hating pig that must be destroyed at all costs.
At recent violent uprising in Portland, some Antifa thugs beat the crap out of a Bernie Sanders supporter, showing that literally anyone can be a Nazi. The Antifa thugs who attacked this guy demanded that he hand over his American flag, saying it was a “symbol of fascism.” They then attacked him with clubs and took his flag, which to me seems like the ultimate expression of fascism.
I guess they have now gone full bore loony when they start to attack people who believe in most of the same leftist crap they do. From OregonLive
ICE at Work
The last known Nazi collaborator living in the United States — a 95-year-old former camp guard who played an “indispensable role” in the murders of thousands of Jews — was deported to Germany from his New York City home early Tuesday morning, completing what the U.S. ambassador to Germany called a “difficult task.”
Richard Grenell, the U.S. ambassador who arrived in Germany earlier this year after political maneuvering by Democrats held up his nomination for months, told “FOX & friends” in an exclusive interview that President Trump — who is from New York — instructed him to make the removal of Jakiw Palij a priority. Grenell said the new German government, which took office in March, brought “new energy” to the matter.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents on Tuesday implemented a deportation order against Palij that dated to 2004. Fox News reports:
Democrats are losing the Black vote. Democrats have taken advantage of, the black for generation upon generation. When Trump said so on a national stage, and the left had no rebuttal, thousands of blacks took notice.
Expressing frustration that urban issues are not being sufficiently addressed in New York, members of the hip hop community are looking to form their own party line for the coming state elections.
Even as cable news networks debate reports of the existence of a recording of President Donald Trump using a racial slur, a new poll from Rasmussen Reports says that the president's approval rating among African-Americans is at 36 percent, nearly double his support at this time last year.
US bosses now earn 312 times the average worker's wage, figures show
Astronomical gap between the pay of workers and bosses exposed in report on earnings of America’s top 350 CEOs
To JS and the rest of the faithful, The Wait is Over
Olive Garden Is Bringing Back Never Ending Pasta With An ANNUAL Pasta Pass