We don’t make the news; We just report it.
He didn’t bring the knife to a gunfight, but that old adage may have been put to bed.
Florida man praised by police for fatally stabbing intruder who shot his wife | Fox News
It was nothing like a Trump Show, Biden passing through Atlanta with the motorcade for a campaign appearance. pic.twitter.com/g2k9uZsh6J
D.C. Police Captain Shot During Attempted Carjacking 5 Blocks from His Station. (thenationalpulse.com)
Target to Limit LGBT Pride Products to Online and ‘Select Stores’ After Last Summer’s Controversy | The Epoch Times
The American establishment has allied with its weirdos against Trump. They’re doomed (msn.com)
'Folks, it's bad': Merced sheriff warns of public safety crisis as deputy vacancies mount (yahoo.com)
California set to become latest state to apologize for slavery, but reparations payouts shelved | Daily Mail Online
148 Democrats Voted Against a Bill to Deport Immigrants Who Attack Police (breitbart.com)
Patients with female doctors have lower risk of death, research shows (nbcnews.com)
Suicide Risks 1200% Higher After 'Gender Affirming' Surgery – HotAir